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St. Patrick's Church
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Thursdays 6am-8pm



"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me."  Mt 25:35-36

Welcome all as Christ - St. Patrick's parish opens her arms to all people.  It is important to us that everyone who enters through these doors feels welcomed and at home.  Jesus Christ gave us this space - it is His gift to us.  Through practicing good Christian hospitality, may all have the opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ.

Living hospitality
Living hospitality

We are all prodigal children longing to be welcomed home. In a hospitable parish, parishioners and guests feel they belong and are appreciated. This is especially true if they were ever absent from the church. Hospitality leads to a sense of ownership among parishioners. This ownership and personal involvement fosters a sense of “belonging.”

When parishioners experience a warm and sincere welcome, they in turn become open to give themselves to others. God is love. God gives His love to each one of us. As God loves us, He calls us to love one another. This Divine Love flows through the heart of the faithful steward to love others. When we are recipients of such love from others, we are attracted to follow this example. When others welcome us, we are open to welcoming others. This desire to welcome others is yet another gift of God. The most vibrant stewardship parishes are those in which parishioners know they are welcomed, which fosters a sense of ownership and personal involvement in lived stewardship to the parish family.


    St. Patrick's Catholic Church
    Mailing Address:  Street Address: 415 N Chestnut | North Platte, NE 69101 | Phone: 308.532.0942 | Fax: 308.532.0944